Helping Good People Do Good Things

Private Foundations

Private foundations (both operating and non-operating) must comply with a broad set of laws and regulations governing almost every aspect of their operations, including grantmaking. With our expert knowledge of these myriad rules, we provide guidance that positions our clients to make informed, prudent decisions so they can realize their objectives while avoiding violations of self-dealing, taxable expenditures, qualifying distributions, jeopardizing investments, and related regulations.

We support and advise private foundations in a wide range of areas, including:

  • Grantmaking policies and procedures, both domestic and international. 
  • Programming for private operating foundations.
  • Grantmaking to entities that are not public charities.
  • Program-related investments.
  • Excise penalties.
  • Lobbying.
  • Gift acceptance.
  • Scholarships, prizes, fellowships, and grants to individuals.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help your nonprofit thrive.